Vanessa Moser


A ferry leading you to a tucked away speckle of land
Reigned by salmonberry and driftwood that are dotting the white sand.

The humming of bees following your every step
As you advance through the woody shrubs and follow along Bunker Trail’s path well-kept.

Resting up along the shore, where the waters ebb and flow
creating a pebble garden out the back door whenever tide is low.

Walks along the shore with Seattle’s tall buildings on the opposite shore reaching sky high
Pine trees scenting the air as hummingbirds flutter by.

Orcas and Grey whales gently surpassing Point Robinson bay
the soft breeze inviting you to stay.

Town bustling with the creative boons of the island nation
and let’s not forget the rusting red bike, slowly consumed by nature at a well-known location.

Old Western style houses begging you to step in
and lose yourself in the treasures imbued with the spirit of the soft sand still clinging to your skin.

Otters waving their goodbyes
As the ferry putters away and the waters rise.